Sunday, August 1, 2010

Edmonton Hospital Cafeteria Report Card

This summer has probably been the first time that I have been in a hospital for an extended period of time. Although I think ideally I would pack a healthy meal everyday, I have inevitably turned to the hospital cafeteria too many times. The somewhat limited and unhealthy variety and selection of the choices available at the Royal Alexandra Hospital was surprising for me. Eventually, I did come to realize that their are relatively good options available at some of the food joints at Royal Alex, it gave me an idea to try and analyze the food choices available in Edmonton hospitals.

As a warning, I don't have a nutrition degree or am nowhere close to a dietician in my skillset in analyzing meal content. However, I am going to try and research this stuff, use help from friends, and put together what I can in this area.

I hope to cover these hospitals:

- Royal Alexandra Hospital - 10240 Kingsway Avenue
- University of Alberta Hospital - 8440 112 Street 
- Misericordia Hospital - 16940 87 Avenue 
- Grey Nuns - 1100 Youville Drive NW
- Alberta Hospital (if time permits!) - 17480 Fort Road

Let me know if you have any suggestions for me!