Saturday, March 27, 2010

By the Numbers

Obesity has been highly publicized in recent years. Receiving so much media attention, it is difficult for one to not be aware of high proportion of Canadians who are classified as being overweight or obese. As the tables below clearly demonstrate, we are dealing with a national crisis, that will severely impact our economy through rising health care costs and the associated lost productivity due to sick time, years of life lost, etc.

Body mass index over 25, self-reported, adult, by age group and sex

2003 2005 2007 2008
Total, 18 years and over 49.4 50.0 50.8 51.1
Males 57.3 58.1 58.7 58.6
Females 41.3 41.8 42.9 43.5
18 to 19 years 19.6 23.5 21.5 25.6
  Males 24.5 28.9 23.5 32.3
  Females 14.4 18.2 19.6 17.6
20 to 34 years 39.7 39.3 40.6 40.3
  Males 48.8 47.8 50.0 47.9
  Females 29.6 29.9 30.4 32.0
35 to 44 years 49.5 50.8 51.2 51.8
  Males 60.8 62.0 63.1 62.3
  Females 37.3 38.8 39.2 40.9
45 to 64 years 57.7 58.1 58.3 58.1
  Males 64.7 65.8 65.3 65.8
  Females 50.6 50.2 51.3 50.4
65 years and over 53.8 54.1 56.1 56.7
  Males 58.6 59.3 60.8 61.7
  Females 50.0 49.8 52.2 52.7

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